
Broken Rulers - Reader x Splendid

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MarzipanSoda's avatar

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You open your heavy eyelids, the sleep grit in your eyes irritating you. You roll over and peer at the bold red letters. 7:59... 7:59! The sleepy state of your brain immediatly disappears. It'll be schooltime in an hour! Oh, and a minute. An hour and a minute.

You scramble out of bed, the duvet hanging off the bed. You immediatly do everything in a rush. Cram your breakfast into your mouth, get dressed, do your hair, the list goes on. You immediatly rush out of the door, eager to get to your school in time. We have to make a good impression on the first day, right?

-Time skip to school-

After all that running after the bus, failing miserably, and having to jog your way to school, you made it at a reasonable time. You walk through the gates shyly, or run in, depends on what type of person you are. Anyway, some of the other pupils notice you come in.

"Look, it's the new girl!"

"She has a nice bag."

"You come up with the weirdest compliments, Shifty."

You notice all the sudden chatter about you and walk up to the others. One of them is a blue flying squirrel with a mask, basically just a red bandana over his eyes. Looking around, you also notice a red procupine, a green bear, two green raccoons - probably twins, the only way to seperate them is that one of them is wearing a hat.

You smile. "Hey, I'm _____. What are your names?"




"He's Lifty." "That dude with the hat is Shifty."

Suddenly, a chiming noise rings out. You assume thats the bell for school to start. "Want me to take you to your class, _____?" Splendid had walked up to you and offered his paw. You smile, flattered. "S-sure then." He seems nice. Splendid lowered his paw. "You guys coming?" He looked over at the others behind him. "No, we'll leave you lovebirds to it." Shifty grinned and high-fived his brother.

Splendid pouts. You can easily see he's blushing as his cheeks are scarlet. "Be quiet, hat-boy. I'm only taking her to her class!" He snapped back. Lifty stepped forward. "Fine, you just go! There's no need for a fight, he was only joking."

Shifty stuck his tongue out at Splendid, and Splendid turned his back and grabbed your arm, dragging you with him. "Careful!" You warn, startled by his sudden gesture. He lets go and looks at you, alarmed. "S-sorry, I didn't mean it." He said in an apologetic tone. You pat his shoulder. "It's okay." You say in a happy tone. Splendid smiles and continues to take you to the inside of the school.

-Skip to class-

You sit down. Your desk is by the window, which is great, because the view is very nice; trees, grass, and the sky is lovely today. In your class you have the kids you met earlier on in the day (and a few other kids) and a blue moose for a teacher. His antlers are very weird, as one of them are facing upwards, while the other is downwards.

He scurries around for a pen. You notice that it's a whiteboard and not a blackboard. He then gets up from looking under his desk. He holds up the permanent marker and starts writing on the board. "I'm Mr. Lumpy, your teacher for the year ahead." He smiles at you and your class.

Lifty put his hand up. "Yes young man?" He points to Lifty and nods his head, allowing his to speak. "What's with the white blackboard?" He asks, curious as of why there is no blackboard. You really don't care if it's a whiteboard of blackboard, as long as you an see it fine it's okay.

"Well, young man. I hate the screechy noise blackboards make when you write with chalk on them. I find I like whiteboards much better!" He thumped the whiteboard twice, the banging noise sounding a bit like a gunshot.

Flaky was the first to notice. All she could get out was a squeak of fright and ran out the classroom. Everyone, including you, saw her run. "Ms. Flaky!" Mr. Lumpy ran after her.

Lifty and Shifty took this oppurtunity to raid the teacher's desk for anything nice to steal. All the others were confused and chatering about what just happened. You then feel something grab the back on your neck. It felt like a... paw?

You're then held up against the window, the paw now on the front of your neck. You realise it's Flippy. "Flippy? What are you doing?" You ask in a rather shaky tone, petrified of the current situation. He grabs a ruler and full-force smashes it on the table, making a quarter of the ruler break off, leaving a spiked end that could easily cut somebody.

He then proceeds to lift his arm up, as to stab you with it. Stab you with it! You immediatly realise the situation and start struggling like mad, which only made him laugh. You squeeze your eyes shut, knowing that there is now way to escape.

The hear a loud grunt and you open your eyes to see Splendid had knocked him away from you and now had him pinned on the ground. The other kids had run and hidden by this time, even Lifty and Shifty. You make your way to the door, about to open it when Flippy, now Fliqpy, grabs you again and tosses you on the floor, his ruler poised to strike again.

Splendid notices that his new cru- (Splendid: -glares at Marzi-) I mean, friend is about to be killed again and bashes Fliqpy up against the wall and tosses his into another. Before anything could happen to you, he picks you up and rams through the door and runs down the hallway.

Fliqpy, as you notice, is chasing you but is no match for Splendid's speed. Splendid doesn't realise he's heading straight for a wall and you warn him, but he gets the warning to late. He drops you, which hurt your back, but you immediatly realise it's so you don't smash into the wall with him.

"Splendid!" You cry out, concerned for your hero's sudden injury. He falls back and looks up at you with one half-shut up. "I'm okay, _____, I'm okay." He reassures. You grab his hand and heave him up. Fliqpy has not caught up with you and has a new weapon, a sharp pencil and a sharpener.

You cower backwards, petrified, but then notice Splendid standing infront of you in a protective gesture. "You're not allowed to hurt my new friend, Flippy, so go away." He warns, and cracks his knuckles. "Oh, I'm not going anywhere." He smiles wider and approaches Splendid.

Splendid punches Fliqpy's face, snapping him out of it. Flippy, now returned to his normal state, gets up and looks around. "Did I flip again?" He asks. Splendid nodded. Flippy put his hands over his mouth in shock, you can see the fear and shock in his eyes. "Oh, I'm so, so sorry! I didn't mean it!" He starts rapidly apologising. Splendid walked up to him and patted his shoulder.

"It's okay. Me and _____ know it wasn't your fault." He looks over his shoulder and smiles at you. You smile back. "C'mon, we better go back to class, Mr. Lumpy might be back and he'll wonder why the class is a mess, and why we're gone."

Flippy nods and starts walking the diretion back to class. You hug Splendid and peck his cheek. "Thank you." You say to Splendid, grateful for him being able to save you otherwise you'd be dead. Splendid blushes and hugs you back. You grab his hand and look at him. "We better go back to class."

Splendid looks down at your hand and his, and looks back at you. "Wouldn't the others make fun of us? I don't want you to be sad." He asks. You shrug your shoulders. "I don't care what they say. They can laugh and mock us, but I honestly don't care." You say in a firm, but friendly tone.

Splendid smiles at you and blushes even more. "C'mon, let's go back to class." He says. You nod in agreement and you both start walking in the direction of your classroom.
Disclaimer - I do not own any on the characters in this story, and I don't own HTF either.

This is mainly aimed at the female audience, since it does say "she" and "girl". I'll do a boy's one later, if you want. Anyway, enjoy, this took me 2 days to make <3
© 2014 - 2024 MarzipanSoda
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InsideOutGirly's avatar
I ship myself with Splendid >w<
Is that weird..?